Addison Noel Awarded Bright!Tax Global Scholar Award

Addison Noel

Bright!Tax, the leading US expat tax services provider, established its Global Scholar Program in 2016 to help young Americans have the opportunity to study overseas. Awarded biannually, the program has since provided four exceptional young Americans with the opportunity to study abroad.

Now, Colorado resident Addison Noel has become the fifth Bright!Tax Global Scholar, and thanks to Bright!Tax

she will be taking up a place at the Tokyo International University to study International Relations this fall.

The Bright!Tax Global Scholar Award offers supplementary tuition fees support to exceptional young Americans who seek to study overseas.

The Award Committee was particularly impressed by Addison’s appreciation and understanding of the value of her US citizenship, as well as her excellent academic record, her having independently learned Japanese, and having wrestled with but ultimately overcoming anxiety.

Bright!Tax believes that US expats are the new American pioneers, whose intrepid spirit is fundamental to what it means to be American. Furthermore, they are America’s informal, yet real ambassadors around the world, shaping other people’s perceptions of our country and people. Addison embodies this deeply American positive, pioneering characteristic.

Addison says: “My US citizenship is the culmination of over 200 years of democratic compromise for the preservation of personal freedoms. It has has allowed me to grow up in safety and also given me access to unlimited resources and possibilities.

“This award shows that hard work does pay off, refueling my self-confidence and determination. Thank you, Bright!Tax, for supporting this exciting chapter in my life and the lives of others abroad.” – Addison Noel

On the other hand, it has also insulated my worldly awareness. While studying abroad, I will have the opportunity to learn, and to be open-minded in order to empathize and live harmoniously with my international peers.”

She continues: “I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Bright!Tax for awarding me the Global Scholar Award. Having their support will allow me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and embrace all the wonderful, new, exciting things that a life abroad brings forth. This award has not only given me financial stability, but has also granted me the confidence to pursue my lofty ambitions. This award shows that hard work does pay off, refueling my self-confidence and determination. Thank you, Bright!Tax, for supporting this exciting new chapter in my life and the lives of others abroad.”

Bright!Tax Global Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, extracurricular activities, financial need, and at the discretion of the Bright!Tax Awards Committee.

Bright!Tax is a leading cloud-based provider of tax services to the nine million Americans living overseas. In 2017 the firm was recognized by multiple awards itself, for using innovation to make the obligatory and often troublesome process of filing US taxes from abroad smoother and less daunting.

“I had the opportunity to study abroad in my youth, and it changed my life, opening my eyes to the myriad different cultures and possibilities in the wider world. In fact I ended up living abroad as an expat, and serving other expats, and as Bright!Tax has experienced phenomenal growth and gone from strength to strength, we established the Global Scholar Award to allow a new generation to have the same experience. Addison is an exceptional young lady with a bright future, and with our support I’m sure she will thrive in her studies in Tokyo and achieve every success in life.”

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