Bright!Tax US Expat Tax Blog

US Expat Taxes 2024: 12 Tips from the Best Expat Tax Service

Woman living overseas successfully files taxes for expats by partnering with Bright!Tax.

Taxes for expats tend to be complicated, especially for US expats.  If you’re a US citizen living abroad with questions about what the expat tax filing requirements are, you’re not alone. Some expats aren’t even aware they need to continue filing US tax returns while living overseas.  Expatriate tax is a complicated realm for Americans […]

FBAR Filing 2024: Clarifying FinCen Form 114 for Expats

US global taxpayer does his FBAR filing at a laptop in a cafe.

The Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) is filed using FinCen Form 114, though much about this US reporting requirement is misunderstood. In the following article, we dive into the essential elements of FinCEN Form 114, providing key background information, and detailing who must file and deadlines in 2024. Ensuring adherence to these regulations is key […]

Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures (for Expat Amnesty)

US expat makes power pose after successfully catching up on taxes by partnering with Bright!Tax to complete the Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures

The Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures (SLP) provides a light at the end of the tunnel for qualifying global US taxpayers seeking IRS amnesty from late-filing US tax penalties. As a US citizen or permanent resident living overseas, getting a handle on your tax responsibilities is essential. The program offers a streamlined process for expats to […]

FATCA – Everything Expats Need to Know

FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Guide for US Expats - Tax Professional

If you’re a US expat living abroad, you’ve likely heard FATCA used as a bad word. And to be frank, it can quite literally ruin someone’s day – it significantly complicates US taxpayers’ day-to-day life abroad.  Some context: The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), is a law passed by US Congress in 2010 to […]

The Combat Zone Exclusion: Tax Relief for Expats Serving in a Combat Zone

Military uniform woman looking to learn about the CZTE

Recognizing the unique sacrifices made by those serving, Congress originally enacted the CZTE back in 1918 as a way to show appreciation and provide tangible support. It’s been a cornerstone of military tax benefits for decades, evolving over time to adapt to changing circumstances. The CZTE is a lifeline for many service members. With the pressures of deployment, from separation from loved ones to the inherent risks of the job, having a tax break offers some ease when it comes to financial burdens.

Bright!Tax Global Scholar: Meet Tyler Hoffman, The 2024 Award Winner

Bright!Tax Global Scholar: Meet Tyler Hoffman, The 2024 Award Winner

At Bright!Tax, we understand that living abroad offers a golden opportunity to broaden one’s horizons, immerse in new cultures, and embrace life-changing experiences. This belief is at the heart of our Bright!Tax Global Scholar initiative, founded in 2016 to support exceptional young students pursuing academic and cultural growth overseas. Since its start nearly 10 years […]

Catch Up on Expat Taxes: Streamlined Procedure vs. DIIRSP

US expat throws his hands up in relief as he discusses his US tax filing options from abroad with his US expat tax expert.

Streamlined Procedure or Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures: Which is better for catching up on your taxes? Each program has its own benefits and eligibility criteria, so below, we’ve put together a high-level overview of the Streamlined Procedure and the DIIRSP. Read on to learn how these procedures can benefit you and which may be the better fit.

How to File an Extension for the June 15 Tax Deadline

June 15 US expat tax deadline

Americans who earn above a certain threshold — even those living abroad — must file a federal tax return each year. While Americans living within the US must file their return by April 15th, US expats have a June 15 tax deadline. Fortunately, those who need extra time can request an extension. While the time […]