Bright!Tax US Expat Tax Blog

The Peru Digital Nomad Visa: A Guide for US Expats

The Peru Digital Nomad Visa_ A Guide for US Expats

Dozens of countries, including Peru, currently offer various types of digital nomad visas, and they are continuously adding more. In November 2023, the Peruvian government announced its plans to introduce a digital nomad visa. They are still working out the details, but they expect to finalize them in the early months of 2024. Below, we’ll […]

5 Low-Cost European Countries for Digital Nomads in 2024

US expat contemplates the horizon during a hike in Eastern Europe.

While parts of Western Europe are starting to bristle with increased costs of living, low-cost European countries abound if you’re willing to step off the beaten path. Rest assured, these more affordable countries maintain the European standard of living that most expats hunger for, including rich cultures to discover and excellent public transportation. You just […]

FBAR vs 8938: Comparing Two Important Filing Requirements

Woman holds two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together, representing how FBAR vs 8938 apply to US expat taxes.

Two of the most common additional US tax forms expats have to file are the FBAR and Form 8938 — but what is the difference between FBAR vs. 8938?  While foreign assets are reported on both of these forms, they differ in terms of asset type and reporting thresholds. It’s important to understand the differences […]

What are Marginal Tax Rates? (With Examples for Expats)

Expat woman on her laptop researches a common question, "What are marginal tax rates?"

“What are marginal tax rates?” This query introduces a fundamental yet often misunderstood element of global tax systems.  Marginal tax rates, require a nuanced understanding to fully appreciate their impact on individual fiscal responsibilities.  In the following article, we will define marginal tax rates, introduce strategies to potentially reduce your marginal tax rate, and offer […]