Bright!Tax, the leading online tax preparation service for American citizens in over 200 countries, is proud to support students who are US citizens worldwide. The Bright!Tax Global Scholar Initiative provides supplemental funds for American students who are already or will be studying abroad under the auspices of an accredited academic institution. Scholarships are available for full semester programs.
The Bright!Tax Global Scholar Initiative. Who Is Eligible?
- United States citizens, Green Card holders and US taxpayers may apply.
- If you currently live outside of the US, or have plans to live outside of the US with a foreign educational program, you are eligible.
- You must have a minimum GPA of 3.8 (or equivalent).

Bright!Tax Global Scholar Applicants – Evaluation Process
Bright!Tax Global Scholar funding is awarded based on an individual’s merit and financial need. Our selection process takes into account the following factors –
- Academic achievement, including current and overall GPA
- Extent of community involvement
- Leadership skills
- Achievements in particular fields (debate, performing arts, athletics, etc.)
- An essay on a topic relevant to the scholarship purpose
- Academic or non-academic awards and achievements
- A description of extra-curricular involvement
- Copies of high school and/or college transcripts
- Financial need

Bright!Tax Global Scholar FAQ
- What is the background and purpose of this scholarship?
The Bright!Tax Global Scholar Initiative supports US citizens who are living and/or studying abroad. You may learn more here. - Who will select scholarship recipients?
Bright!Tax Global Scholars are chosen by the Awards Committee. The committee is comprised of individuals and professionals who, themselves, are US citizens who are living overseas. They are uniquely aware of both the opportunities and challenges that Americans experience living outside the US. - How and when will scholarship funds be distributed?
The Bright!Tax Global Scholar Initiative is open ended and ongoing. Scholarship funds, of at least $1000, are distributed directly to your accredited university on your behalf. Scholarships are typically awarded in December and July, just before Spring and Fall university semester cycles. (December/Spring Awards application deadlines are November 1 and July/Fall Awards application deadlines are June 1) Bright!Tax Scholarships are not offered for Summer study programs. - Additional questions may be directed to

Some of Our Previous Bright!Tax Scholars

Natalie Heath (2021)
Natalie is undertaking an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science at the University of Essex in the UK. After she finished her undergraduate degree, she plans to study medicine and become a paediatrician. Her dream is to work with Doctors Without Borders, inspired partly by seeing the affect of the pandemic on children in some of the poorest communities around the world. "I have also been involved with the MelanomaKnowMore foundation, which funds skin cancer research and treatment. This has shown me how to turn passion and care into tangible, meaningful, and intelligent action."

Calev Isaacson (2021)
Calev developed a passion for Theoretical Physics at a young age. Still only 19, he enrolled for college level classes aged 12, and entered Indiana University East full time at age 15. Having completed his undergraduate degree, Calev has now enrolled in a postgraduate Masters degree course at the University of York in the UK. “My aspiration is to discover the next Unified Field Theory. Specifically, my research seeks to develop quantum gravity, or the theorized intersection between gravity and quantum mechanics.” In his spare time, Calev is a competitive fencing youth coach.

Olivia Cunningham (2020)
Originally from Boston, Olivia studies neuroscience in London, with the aim of helping people whose brains have suffered trauma. In the future, Olivia hopes to continue her research by doing a PHD, with a view to specializing in neural stem cells and nervous system repair for therapeutic approaches for neurodegenerative diseases. Besides studying, Olivia also works helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorder as a therapist. In 2019 she worked as a volunteer in a therapeutic rehabilitation center in Bali, Indonesia.

David Miller (2020)
David graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with an undergraduate degree in Physics. With Bright!Tax’s support he will be taking up a place on a master’s degree course in Health Science Data at University College London (UCL) in September 2020. Outside of class, David is working to change the world. At Penn, he volunteered in the oncology department, creating a clinical database that improved treatment outcomes. He is also Chief Science Officer of MyGrow Design, a biotech startup that develops biodegradable materials (alternatives to plastics) for sustainable product design.

Skyler Rutkowski (2019)
Skyler is currently working towards a PHD in International Relations at the United States International University in Nairobi, Kenya. Previously she studied at the State University of New York, Fredonia, where she graduated Cum Laude and made the Dean’s List or President’s List every semester. She is the first member of her family to go university, and after graduating from SUNY she worked at M&T to raise money to continue her studies, while also volunteering and mentoring high school students applying for college.

Nessyah Buder (2019)
Nessyah is studying for a doctorate in musicology at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Nessyah previously funded her MA in Ethnomusicology by teaching music in the public school system in Miami, where she was also awarded the Presser Music Award. Nessyah said: “Being in another country is incredibly rewarding and enlightening. My outsider’s perspective as an American has provided me with a unique vantage point from which to explore the cultural and aesthetic value of this music. I’m hugely grateful to Bright!Tax for supporting my research.”

Brandon Fathy (2018)
With Bright!Tax’ support, Brandon will be returning to the UK’s University of Leicester to pursue a PHD in Archaeology. Brandon completed his undergraduate studies at the same university. He assisted in the excavation of England’s King Richard III, achieving a first class degree while finding time to lecture at local high schools. When at high school himself, Brandon was valedictorian, achieved a perfect GPA, was captain of his school’s academic decathlon team, and as student council president introduced a school-wide recycling program.

Addison Noel (2018)
Colorado-raised Addison Noel has become the fifth Bright!Tax Global Scholar. Thanks to Bright!Tax she will be taking up a place at the Tokyo International University to study International Relations in 2018 fall. The Award Committee was particularly impressed by Addison’s appreciation and understanding of the value of her US citizenship, as well as her excellent academic record, her having independently learned Japanese, and her having struggled with but ultimately overcome anxiety.

Aina Swartz (2017)
Aina’s excellent academic record and passion for experiencing life outside the US helped her to triumph over 380 other applicants. In 2016, Aina spent a semester in Sweden which she organized herself. She studied in Swedish, which she learned from scratch on her own. She has also spent her summer holiday helping to build a school in Ghana. Aina starts a full time honors degree in History and International Relations at London’s King College University in September 2017.

Adeel Mufti (2017)
As a first generation American, Adeel has a keen awareness of the opportunities and responsibilities that come with being American. He has lived abroad the last couple of years though, working remotely as a computer programmer while accompanying his wife, a Peace Corps volunteer. Adeel is looking to the future though, and is now studying towards a Masters in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh.

Kersey Schott (2016)
Kersey, who is also a Fulbright Scholar, fended off competition from over 100 other applicants thanks to her academic achievements, ambition, and self-awareness with respect to being an ambassador for America in the local community in Leipzig, Germany. Through her engagement with local groups, she is actively helping to create positive perceptions towards Americans and the US abroad.

Erin Moran (2016)
Erin is a postgraduate student working towards her PhD at University College London’s Institute of Education. Erin is also working with a group of mothers of autistic children in Kazakhstan on a program to educate teachers as to best practices when educating children with autism, with the aim of changing the perceived stigma of autism in Kazakhstan so that autistic children can be included in mainstream schools.