Retirement Abroad

Americans Love Retiring Abroad

Retiring abroad has never been more popular, thanks to the perceived benefits of a better climate and quality of life, not to mention a healthy sense of late life adventure.

Retirement Abroad Tax Information

One possible downside to retirement abroad is that all Americans have to file a US taxes every year, even expats, meaning that tax planning is an essential part of overall planning for retiring overseas.

International Inheritance Tax Considerations for US Expats

expat paying international inheritance tax

Expats are required to file US taxes wherever in the world they live, reporting their worldwide income.   While the tax treaties that the US has with around 100 other countries don’t mitigate this requirement, when expats file they are able to claim a number of exemptions such as the Foreign Tax Credit and the […]

US Taxes and Pensions: What to Know to Retire Abroad in 2023

This post was updated on February 15th, 2023 Many Americans dream of retiring abroad. Who wouldn’t want to spend their golden years in a retirement-friendly country with a rich culture, gorgeous climate, and more affordable cost of living? But when it comes to the specifics of how to retire abroad, it’s easy to get confused. […]

Estate Planning for American Expats – What You Need to Know

expats estate planning

Retiring abroad is more popular than ever, thanks to perceptions of a better quality of life, more affordable health care, and a warmer climate. Americans living abroad earning over $10,000 a year (or just $400 of self-employment income) are still required to file a US tax return though, declaring their world wide income. This includes […]

US Expat Taxes and Retirement Abroad – What You Need to Know

expat retirement taxes

Retirement abroad rightly has a wide appeal, often because the quality of life can be higher, with many places offering a lower cost of living, a warmer climate, and high-quality, affordable healthcare . Mexico, the Caribbean, South America, and parts of Europe and Asia all remain popular retirement destinations for the above reasons, however as […]

The Top 5 Reasons Why Americans Move Abroad

american moving abroad

Everyone sometimes dreams of a better life in a more exotic place, but relatively few of us actually pack up our things, sell our cars, lock up or let our homes perhaps, and take the plunge. Often moving abroad requires a particular catalyst or trigger. Below are our top 5 reasons why Americans move abroad. […]