
Bright!Tax Now Offers UK Tax Filing For US Expats

expat filing uk taxes

Bright!Tax is the leading provider of US tax services for expats, having won four global EMMA Awards for performance and innovation in 2017. Thanks to our partnership with Godiva Tax Services, Bright!Tax now offers UK tax filing for Americans living in the UK too, providing a one stop shop solution for US expats living in […]

Bhutan Income Tax Rates & Rules: a Guide for US Expats

With pristine landscapes, endless outdoor activities, stunning Buddhist temples, and a well-preserved cultural heritage, Bhutan is an excellent under-the-radar option for aspiring expats. Before moving there, of course, it’s important to think of practical matters, like the Bhutan income tax rates.  If you’re considering a move to the Land of the Thunder Dragon, let us […]

US Expat Taxes for Americans Living in Laos – What You Need to Know

expat filing taxes in laos

It has been estimated that there are several thousandAmericans living in Laos. Living in Laos is an incredible experience for a number of reasons, including the friendly locals, the quality of life, the natural environment, and the culture and cuisine. As an American expatriate living in Laos though, what exactly do you need to know regarding filing US […]