
Top Tips for American Expats Celebrating Thanksgiving Abroad

thanksgiving tips

Celebrating Thanksgiving abroad is an altogether different prospect, without the wider cultural participation, and potentially being unable to get hold of many of the most important Thanksgiving ingredients. Most Americans living abroad soldier on though, so to help all those resolute souls out there, here are our top 5 tips for American expats celebrating Thanksgiving […]

2016 US Election – What Expats Need to Know

expats 2016 election

Americans living abroad have been able to vote in absentia since 1975. Expats vote in the State where they last lived, but they do still have to register in good time to receive a ballot. According to a Pew Research Centre survey in July, the two most important election issues for Americans living stateside this […]

Top 5 Expat Annoyances

angry expat

1 – ‘Different’ attitudes towards customer service In the States, the customer is King (or Queen). And that’s how it should be of course. If someone wants your business, they should be very nice to you, otherwise you’ll take your business elsewhere. For some reason though, in many other countries shopkeepers and customer service representatives […]