US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

Do US Citizens Living Abroad Have to File US Taxes?

US Citizens Living Abroad Taxes Guide

Many US citizens living abroad aren’t sure whether they need to file US taxes. In this article we’re going to clear up a few common misconceptions, and provide some strategies for success. Do US citizens living abroad have to file US taxes? Yes. All US citizens, including those living abroad, who earn more than the […]

New 2019 IRS Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Reporting Update

New 2019 IRS Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Reporting Update

In August 2019 the IRS is writing to 10,000 Americans, including expats, who have held or sold Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency holdings over the last few years, informing them that they may owe tax on their holdings. All Americans are required to file a US tax return, including Americans living abroad, reporting their worldwide income. […]

What Expats Who Owe US Taxes Need to Know

Expats that owe US taxes

Because the US tax system is based on citizenship (rather than residence), expat American citizens (and Green Card holders) are required to file US taxes, just the same as if they were living in the States. When expats file, they can claim one or more IRS provisions (such as the Foreign Tax Credit on Form […]

IRS Estimated Tax Payments for US Expats

IRS Estimated Tax Payments for US Expats

Americans living abroad are required to file US taxes, reporting their worldwide income. America is the only developed country that requires expats to file. Expats often also have to report their foreign bank accounts, investments, and businesses. For many years, the IRS couldn’t enforce these requirements, and many expats chose to ignore them, however over […]

Understanding PFIC and Filing IRS Form 8621 for US Expats

Last updated April 13, 2023. Picture this: You’re an expat, living abroad and diligently implementing financial strategies that served you well in the US. Suddenly, you learn: there may negative tax implications associated with your foreign investments.  As a US taxpayer investing abroad, chances are you’ve never heard of passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs) and […]

5 Reasons Why Expats Should File US Taxes Now!

Why expats should file US taxes now

Americans move abroad for a variety of reasons, perhaps for work, to be with someone, or due to a sense of adventure, however hardly any of them are thinking much about filing US taxes when they move. The US requires all Americans to file though, reporting their worldwide income, even if they live abroad. It’s […]