Tax Planning & Advice

7 Key Expat Tax Planning Tips for US Remote Workers Abroad

7 Key Tax Planning Tips for US Remote Workers Abroad

Remote working is a growing global trend, particularly working remotely for a foreign company as a digital nomad. Although living in different places around the world while working from a laptop may sound great in theory, there are certain practical matters to bear in mind before embarking on this journey. Many people don’t realize that […]

Taxes & Overseas Contractor Jobs: Your Complete Guide

expats with Overseas Contractor jobs talking about filing us expat taxes

If you work for a US contractor abroad, taxes can be confusing. Regardless of where they live, those with overseas contractor jobs will need to file a US tax return — but they may need to file taxes in their country of residence as well. But with a little bit of research and organization, you’ll […]

US Expat Taxes: Year-end Planning Checklist

hourglass and US dollars, its time to plan year-end US expat taxes

Aargh! It’s time to start thinking about taxes again.  The end of the year should be a period of celebration – popping off the champagne cork and ringing in a new year. But for US expats, the end of the year often comes with apprehension and a lot of anxiety.  While filing taxes should be […]

California State Taxes For US Expats

California isn’t all sun, surf, and sand. Unfortunately, the Golden State is also home to the highest state tax rates in the US. On top of that, the state of California’s Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is known as one of the biggest sticklers among state tax bodies. As a result, some former California residents are […]

What Is a US Person for Tax Purposes?

US person for tax purposes

The IRS requires all US persons to file taxes…  But how might one define a US person for tax purposes? It might seem like a pretty straightforward question, but the answer can be surprisingly complex.  Read on to learn what a US person is, what their tax obligations are, and more. Are you a US […]

Tax on Unearned Income: an Overview for US Expats

Tax on unearned income

When most people think about income taxes, they think about the taxes that are automatically withheld from their paycheck — or, if they’re self-employed, the quarterly tax estimates they pay to the government based on their expected earnings. While that does make up one component of income taxes, it’s not the only one. It’s important […]