Bright!Tax US Expat Tax Blog

US Expat Taxes 2025: 12 Tips from the Best Expat Tax Service

Woman living overseas successfully files taxes for expats by partnering with Bright!Tax.

Taxes for expats tend to be complicated, especially for US expats.  If you’re a US citizen living abroad with questions about what the expat tax filing requirements are, you’re not alone. Some expats aren’t even aware they need to continue filing US tax returns while living overseas.  Expatriate tax is a complicated realm for Americans […]

How to File the Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) in 2025

US global taxpayer does his FBAR filing at a laptop in a cafe.

The Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) — aka FinCEN Form 114 — is a widely misunderstood reporting obligation. Unfortunately, failing to file it when required can lead to severe consequences. Whether you’ll be filing for the first time ever or just want to brush up on your knowledge, we’re here to help. Below, we’ll dive […]

How to Use the IRS Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures

US expat makes power pose after successfully catching up on taxes by partnering with Bright!Tax to complete the Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures

If you’re a U.S. citizen living abroad or have foreign assets, you might not realize that you’re still required to file U.S. tax returns. Many people miss this obligation simply because they didn’t know about it. The good news is that the IRS understands this happens, and they’ve created the Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures to […]

FATCA – Everything Expats Need to Know

FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Guide for US Expats - Tax Professional

You may already know that Americans who earn above a certain threshold must file US tax returns, even if they live abroad. However, if you haven’t heard of FATCA before, you’re not alone. Even among expats who know they must file a US tax return, few understand the full extent of their US expat tax […]

What Is Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)? A Guide for Expats

Most Americans know basic tax concepts and terminology, like income, credits, deductions, and exclusions. Phrases like modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), on the other hand, aren’t always as well known. If you’re not familiar with MAGI, it can benefit you to read up on the concept. After all, understanding your MAGI can help you reduce […]

Itemized Deductions vs. Standard Deduction: an Expat’s Guide

It’s a question that comes up for expats almost every year: “Should I choose the standard deduction or itemized deductions?” The answer — as with so many things in life — is “it depends.” But if you need help choosing between itemized deductions vs. the standard deduction, we’re here to help. While the standard deduction […]

A Complete Guide to Tax-Loss Harvesting for US Expats

Although everyone hopes their investments will increase in value, it’s possible for them to dip below their purchase price. Even if that’s not ideal, you may be able to use your losses to your advantage. Tax-loss harvesting is a tax strategy that allows taxpayers to claim losses that reduce their tax liability — potentially resulting […]

Schedule SE: What Independent Contractors Need to Know

If you’re a freelancer, independent contractor, small business owner, or expat subject to self employment tax, you’re probably familiar with the freedom that comes with being your own boss. But with that freedom comes a less glamorous reality: the responsibility to pay self-employment taxes. Unlike traditional employees, who share the cost of Social Security and […]

Schedule C: A Guide for Expat Freelancers & Small Business Owners

Given the flexibility and autonomy it offers, it’s no wonder that so many expats are small business owners, freelancers, independent contractors, or otherwise self-employed. But even though self-employment comes with benefits, it can complicate your tax obligations. Those with self-employment income are often subject to additional filing requirements, like Schedule C. While it might all […]

Portugal Golden Visa: What US Expats Need to Know

If you’re interested in growing your wealth while living in a safe, beautiful, and affordable country, it’s well worth considering Portugal’s golden visa. In exchange for investment funds of at least €250,000, you and your family can work, live, and study in Portugal for up to two years.  And as long as you stay in […]