Expat Lifestyle

Itemized Deductions vs. Standard Deduction: an Expat’s Guide

It’s a question that comes up for expats almost every year: “Should I choose the standard deduction or itemized deductions?” The answer — as with so many things in life — is “it depends.” But if you need help choosing between itemized deductions vs. the standard deduction, we’re here to help. While the standard deduction […]

What Happens if You Miss the Tax Deadline in 2025

When you miss a tax deadline

No matter where in the world they live, Americans who earn above a certain threshold must file — and potentially pay — United States taxes. While the typical US tax return deadline is April 15th, US expats have until June 15th (unless they request an extension). But what happens if you miss the tax deadline? […]

How to Move an LLC to Another State: The Expat’s Guide

a man with a laptop writing down notes

Many small business owners with a US-registered limited liability company (LLC) choose to maintain it when moving abroad. After all, an LLC offers significant liability protection, allows you to choose alternative tax treatments, and may make it easier to work with US-based clients. But at some point, motivated by tax rates in the state your […]

Retire in Italy: Visas, Healthcare, Taxes, & More

Wonderful Italian landscape

From delicious cuisine to the affordable cost of living, laidback pace of life, and rich culture, there are many reasons Americans may want to retire in Italy. Fortunately for retirees — or anyone with enough passive income — a dedicated visa puts that goal well within reach. We’ve rounded up some of the most pertinent […]

What Is a Reasonable Owner Salary for an S Corp?

US expat counting hundred-dollar bills in preparation for sending large sums of money overseas.

It’s one of the most common questions among those evaluating business structures: What is a reasonable owner salary for an S corp? Knowing what a reasonable salary is — and how to determine one — is essential to reaping the benefits of S corp status. In the right circumstances, those benefits can be significant. Forming […]