US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

The Tax Questions US Expats Most Often Ask

the tax questions us expats most often ask

Do I still have to file and pay US taxes if I live abroad? This is the most common tax question that US expats ask. Unfortunately, the US tax system is based on citizenship rather than residence, so it doesn’t discriminate where in the world you live. As a result, expats have to file and […]

How Can American Expats Reduce their IRS Taxes?

expats reduce taxes

Americans living abroad are still required to file US taxes. The US is the only country that requires its expats to file. It is because the US taxes based on citizenship rather than on residence. This leaves the millions of Americans who work abroad at risk of double taxation, paying taxes in both the country […]

What Expats Who Want to Renounce Their US Citizenship Need to Know

expat renouncing us citizenship

The numbers of American expats renouncing their US citizenship has risen exponentially over the last few years. Before 2008, typically just a few hundred Americans a year renounced their citizenship, whereas in 2016 the figure exceeded 5000 for the first time. The reason why the number of renouncers is rising so fast is American’s citizenship […]

US Taxes for Expats with Overseas Income

expats with overseas income

Americans living overseas experience new cultures, explore new places, meet new friends, and grow as people, so much so in fact that many choose to live abroad permanently at the end of their original assignment or trip. Unfortunately, living abroad as an expat doesn’t mean you escape having to file US taxes though , even […]

US Income Tax Filing for Expats – Should I Use an Accountant?

expat filing income taxes

Living overseas is an incredible experience, however Americans still have to file US taxes even when they are living abroad. Furthermore, filing US taxes is more complex for expats than for Americans living in the States, as crackdowns on overseas tax cheats over the last few years have resulted in an ever-increasing amount of filing […]

US Taxes for American Expats Married to a Foreign Spouse

expat foreign spouse filing taxes

Taxes are most probably the last thing on expats’ minds when they fall in love with a foreigner. Once the wedding bells have chimed and the dust has settled however, understanding the US tax implications should be on every American expat married to a foreigner’s to-do list. This will be the first time that you […]

Expat Taxes for US Contractors Working Abroad

expat contractor filing taxes

Like all US expats, American contractors working abroad are still liable to files a US tax return and pay US taxes, wherever they’re living and wherever their income is sourced or paid. Thankfully there are some exclusions available that can be used to reduce or eliminate their US tax liability, however these have to be […]