US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

IRS Tax Penalties & How to Avoid Them: A Guide for US Expats

taxes past due on a white paper

There are multiple situations in which the IRS levies tax penalties. Unfortunately, even innocent mistakes can come with hefty fines. Things like timely filing, accurate estimated tax payments, penalty relief, appeals, and the Streamlined Procedure can help you minimize penalties and interest. That said, it’s best to leave both strategy and execution to a tax professional.

Guide to 2020 IRS Deadlines and Extensions for US Expats

2020 IRS Deadlines and Extensions for US Expats

American expats have to file US taxes the same as Americans who live in the states, reporting their worldwide income. This is because the US taxes based on citizenship, not on residence like most other countries. Many US expats assume that a tax treaty, paying foreign taxes, or only earning abroad prevent them from having […]

Year-End Tax Planning Strategies for US Expats in 2019

Year-End Tax Planning Strategies for US Expats in 2019

As we approach the end of year holidays, it’s a good time for expats to take stock and do some year-end tax planning. Year-end tax planning for expats falls into two broad categories: minimizing year 2019 taxes, and planning ahead for 2020. Minimizing year 2019 taxes Ensure that you qualify for the Foreign Earned Income […]

IRS Announces 2020 Tax Rates and Brackets for US Expats

IRS Announced 2020 Tax Rates and Brackets for US Expats

Each year the IRS adjusts tax brackets, the Standard Deduction, and exclusion thresholds for inflation. Last week the IRS announced the new figures for 2020. These will be applied to the year from January 1st to December 31st 2020, the 2020 tax year, for which expats (along with Americans living stateside) will file in 2021. […]

Will Bitcoin Ever Be Regulated?

Will Bitcoin Ever Be Regulated?

This article was originally published by Albaron Ventures. As Bitcoin and other digital assets continue to grow in adoption and popularity, a common topic for discussion is whether the U.S. government, or any government for that matter, can exert control of its use.  There are two core issues that lay the foundation of the Bitcoin […]

Reprieve for Accidental Americans Facing Bank Account Closure

Reprieve for Accidental Americans Facing Bank Account Closure

While Americans living abroad have been required to file US taxes reporting their global income, since the Civil War, it is only the last few years that the US government has been able to enforce the requirement. Americans with foreign registered financial (i.e. bank or investment) accounts are also required to report them annually by […]

IRS Releases New Cryptocurrency Reporting Form 1040 Guidance

IRS Releases New Cryptocurrency Reporting Form 1040 Guidance

Following recent news that the IRS wrote to over 10,000 Americans (including expats) whom they believe hold Bitcoin or other virtual or cryptocurrency accounts informing them that they may owe tax, the IRS provided new guidance last week on how to report cryptocurrencies and in what circumstances they may be liable to taxation. Furthermore, the IRS […]

Do US Expats Pay Medicare Tax?

US Expats Pay Medicare Tax

Expats often ask whether Americans are still required to pay Medicare Tax if they live abroad. In this article we delve deeper into some different scenarios where they may have to. General US tax rules for Americans living abroad The US requires all Americans to file US taxes every year, reporting their global income. This […]

US Expat Tax Filing: What Documents Do I Need? A Checklist

US Expat Tax Filing: What Documents Do I Need? A Checklist

All American citizens and Green Card holders are required to file a US federal tax return every year, reporting their global income, even if they live abroad. Americans may also have to report any foreign registered businesses, financial assets, and bank or investment accounts that they may have. Neither international tax treaties nor filing foreign […]