Bright!Tax US Expat Tax Blog

FBAR vs 8938: What’s the Difference?

Woman holds two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together, representing how FBAR vs 8938 apply to US expat taxes.

Two of the most common additional US tax forms expats have to file are the FBAR and Form 8938 — but what is the difference between FBAR vs. 8938?  While foreign assets are reported on both of these forms, they differ in terms of asset type and reporting thresholds. It’s important to understand the differences […]

What are Marginal Tax Rates? (With Examples for Expats)

Expat woman on her laptop researches a common question, "What are marginal tax rates?"

“What are marginal tax rates?” This query introduces a fundamental yet often misunderstood element of global tax systems.  Marginal tax rates, require a nuanced understanding to fully appreciate their impact on individual fiscal responsibilities.  In the following article, we will define marginal tax rates, introduce strategies to potentially reduce your marginal tax rate, and offer […]

What is a Golden Visa? An Opportunity to Expand Frontiers

Two golden visa holders walking down a staircase.

If you’re exploring different possibilities for immigration, you might have noticed that many visa options require a job offer in a host country. This may represent an obstacle if you’re not looking for a job but would still like to secure a second passport or relocate abroad to enjoy a better quality of life. We […]

How to Move to Japan from the US: a Guide

Woman in Japan conwiders how to move to Japan from the US.

If you’ve ever wondered how to move to Japan from the US, consider this a sign. Renowned for its high quality of life, natural beauty, and relatively low cost of living, Japan has long captivated the attention of Americans. The delicious sushi and ramen, stunning temples and shrines, and breathtaking cherry blossoms and bamboo groves […]

Differences Between an Independent Contractor and an Employee

US expat exits a meeting after discussing the difference between independent contractor and employee.

With remote work, the gig economy, and digital nomadism disrupting the traditional employment model, a crucial question arises: What’s the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? Virtually all Americans have heard of these terms, and most have an idea of what they mean, but not everyone is aware of the important distinctions between […]

5 Reasons to Maintain a US Address while Living Abroad

US mailbox

Although maintaining a US address may not be a priority when moving overseas, understanding how to do so is beneficial. Despite varying circumstances, having a US mailbox while living abroad can often prevent future logistical issues. But what exactly are the benefits of maintaining a US mailing address, and how can you do so? We’ll […]

Transferring Large Sums of Money Internationally

US expat counting hundred-dollar bills in preparation for sending large sums of money overseas.

Whether you’re transferring foreign earnings to a US bank account, financially supporting your family from abroad, or purchasing overseas property, expat life often involves transferring large sums of money internationally. While moving large sums of money internationally is common and necessary for most expats, it can still trigger additional reporting obligations or expensive transfer fees. […]

Jure Sanguinis: How to Get Italian Citizenship by Descent

Venice, Italy.

Your Italian ancestry might be more than just a family story—it could be your ticket to Italian citizenship. Thanks to Italy’s Jure Sanguinis law, you might already qualify for Italian citizenship by descent, no matter how many generations have passed. For many, Italian dual citizenship isn’t just about reconnecting with their roots—it’s about gaining an Italian passport, the freedom to live and work anywhere […]

Retire in Colombia: Visas, Healthcare, Taxes, & More

Colorful balconies in Colombia, a popular and affordable retirement destination for US citizens

Thinking about spending your golden years surrounded by the lush landscapes and vibrant culture of Colombia? You’re not alone. More than ever, Americans are discovering the perks of retiring in Colombia—from an affordable cost of living to high-quality healthcare and a mild climate. In this updated guide, we’ll explore the visa requirements and application process, […]