Bright!Tax US Expat Tax Blog

Reporting Foreign Rental Income on Property Abroad

Reporting Foreign Rental Income

US expats who live abroad make money in many different ways. Your employer in the US might offer you a position in another country or you may decide to travel and start your own business. Whether you’re freelancing or working for a traditional employer, you might also consider investing in property abroad. This could help […]

Filing State Taxes as a US Expat: What You Need to Know

Filing state taxes expat

According to estimates from the US Department of State, over nine million Americans live abroad. And now that they left the US behind, it also makes sense to leave their state tax obligations behind, right?  Surprise, surprise, that’s not always the case. Sometimes even thousands of miles away from the US, American expats may still […]

Filing Taxes in Canada: The Ultimate US Expat Guide

Two US expats on a hike discussing Form 1116 Instructions.

Canada has charming cities, natural beauty, and close proximity to the US. Given that, it’s no wonder that the Great White North is the number two destination for Americans living abroad! However, US expats should be aware that living in Canada can complicate your US taxes. All American expatriates living in Canada still need to […]

Tax Form 8858 and Foreign Disregarded Entities for US Expats

Tax Form 8858 and Foreign Disregarded Entities for Expats

Filing your US taxes as an expat can get complicated – even more so if you start a business while you’re abroad. As a US citizen who owns a foreign business, you have additional tax reporting requirements. US taxes are based on citizenship status, not residency. Therefore, Americans living abroad who own businesses (even sole […]

US Expat Tax Guide for Americans Working in Japan

tax guide Americans Japan

Japan. The land of sushi, Pokémon, incredibly fast bullet trains, and high-tech toilets that can even play music during your bathroom sessions. While the year is 2022, it feels like the Japanese are living in 3022.  Japan is also the country that tens of thousands of American expats call home. According to recent data, currently, […]

Can US Expats Collect Social Security Benefits? 

US expat social security

When it comes to US expat taxes, there’s a lot to handle. Expats must file various forms depending on their situation (such as the FBAR or Foreign Tax Credit) and comply with strict IRS deadlines.  Something that may go over the heads of US expats as they file their tax returns, however, is Social Security. […]

Filing Form 5471: Everything You Need to Know

filing form 5471

Form 5471, which the IRS calls “Information Return of US Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations”, is an informational return that US taxpayers with shares in a foreign corporation must file. Whether you need to file Form 5471 depends on the percentage of stock you own in a foreign corporation. 

What is GILTI? What Expats Need to Know About IRS Form 8992

US expat researches, "What is GILTI" on his computer.

Living abroad as a US expat can open you up to new opportunities – particularly when it comes to your career. Depending on your future goals, you may even decide to go into business for yourself. If you do, it’s important to understand how forming your own foreign corporation can impact your taxes, particularly with […]

How US Expats Can Catch Up on Back Taxes With Form 14653

streamline procedure form14653

While it may not seem fair, all Americans — even those living abroad — who earn above a certain threshold must file a US tax return. If you didn’t previously understand your tax and reporting obligations, though, you’re not alone. Fortunately, you may be able to catch up penalty-free with the help of IRS Form 14653. […]