US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

Do Astronauts Have to File US Taxes from Space?

Do Astronauts Have to File US Taxes from Space

What do astronauts and American expats have in common? American expats and astronauts both need the ability, courage and conviction to not just venture out into the unknown, but to succeed and thrive there. Unfortunately, they also share an inability to escape the requirement to file US taxes. The US taxes based on citizenship, meaning […]

IRS Continues Trend of Auditing More Expats in 2018

The IRS Audited More Expats in 2018

The new 2018 IRS Tax Book has confirmed that the IRS continued the trend of auditing a much higher proportion of international tax returns then domestic ones in 2018. While a total of 0.6% of all individual federal income tax returns were audited during the year, the figure for international returns is nearly six times the […]

US Taxes on Foreign Income for Expats

US Taxes on Foreign Income for Expats

The United States taxes based on citizenship. This means that all US citizens (and green card holders), including anyone with the right to US citizenship, are liable to pay US taxes, wherever in the world they live. This often leaves US expats having to file both a US tax return as well as a tax […]

US Expats Taxes – Best State Residency for Expats

Best state tax residency for expats

Americans living abroad are required to file a US tax return, reporting their worldwide income, just as if they were living in the States. To avoid paying US taxes as well as foreign taxes on their worldwide income, the IRS has made a number of provisions available, such as the Foreign Tax Credit and the Foreign […]

IRS Taxes for US Citizens Married to a Non-Resident Alien

IRS Taxes for US Citizens Married to a Non-Resident Alien

‘Non-resident alien’ is the term that the IRS uses to describe foreigners who live abroad. Many Americans marry non-resident aliens, perhaps having met them while travelling or working abroad. Many of these Americans then live abroad as expats after having married them. American expats are still required to file US taxes every year, reporting their […]

Reporting Foreign Real Estate and Rental Income to the IRS

Expat Reporting Foreign Real Estate Rental Income

Many of the 9 million Americans who live overseas have settled abroad permanently, perhaps because they have retired abroad, married a foreigner, or fallen in love with a particular place. Many of these long-term expats purchase foreign real estate, either to live in, or as an investment to provide them with rental income. All American […]