US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

Tax Considerations for American Citizens Moving Back to the US

Tax Considerations for American Citizens Moving Back to the US

Over 9 million Americans live overseas, and every year the number is growing. Every year however, many Americans move back to the US, too. All American citizens are required to file US taxes, reporting their global income, including Americans living overseas. What happens when Americans move back to the US mid-year though? In this article we […]

2021 Tax Season Starts! What US Expats Need to Know

2021 Tax Season Starts! What US Expats Need to Know

The 2021 tax season opens on February 12, allowing Americans both in the States and abroad to start filing their year 2020 tax returns with the IRS. In this article we look at what Americans living abroad need to know ahead of filing their US taxes in 2021. Why do Americans abroad need to file […]

2021 US Tax Calendar for Expats

2021 US Tax Calendar for Expats

With 2021 tax season starting this week, Bright!Tax has created a tax calendar for American expats filing US taxes from abroad this year. All Americans are required to file US taxes, including those living abroad, if their global income exceeds IRS minimums. IRS minimums start at $5 for Americans married filing separately to a foreign […]

What is the Relief Procedures for Certain Former Citizens?

Relief Procedures for Certain Former Citizens

The IRS Relief Procedures for Certain Former Citizens was introduced in September 2019 to allow certain Americans to renounce their US citizenship without facing back taxes and penalties. The particular group the program was aimed at is known as ‘Accidental Americans’, meaning people who have the right to US citizenship through birth but who have […]

2021 Tax Filing Opens on February 12

2021 Tax Filing Opens on February 12

The IRS has announced that the date it will start accepting tax returns this year will be February 12. Tax season normally starts the second half of January, and February 12 will be the latest date that a tax season has started yet. The IRS said in a statement on January 15 that the late start […]

What is a US Person For US Tax Purposes?

What is a US Person For US Tax Purposes

In this article, we’ll look at what is meant by a US Person for US tax purposes. Many US tax rules are applied to all ‘US Persons’, so it’s an important concept to grasp, however the definition is wider than many people assume. US persons can be divided into several categories, covering different types of […]

2020 Year-End Tax Planning for Expats

2020 Year-End Tax Planning for Expats

It’s an unusual year in multiple ways, and this is also true when it comes to 2020 year-end tax planning. Both the Coronavirus pandemic and the presidential election will affect year-end tax planning for some expats this year. While the pandemic has affected the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion rules, tax changes next year due to […]

When are Taxes Due for Expats?

When are Taxes Due for Expats

American citizens (and Green Card holders) who live abroad are required to file US taxes annually, reporting their worldwide income. This requirement to file from abroad is because the US taxes based on citizenship, rather than on residence like the majority of other countries. Expats also often have other filing requirements that Americans living in […]