FATCA: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

What is FATCA for Expats?

FATCA is the 2010 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, a law that affects expats in two ways. Firstly, it compels all foreign banks and investment firms to report their American account holders to the IRS or pay a tax when they trade in US markets.


FATCA also requires expats with over $200,000 in foreign financial assets to report them each year by filing form 8938 when they file their federal tax return. You can find information and news relating to FATCA updates in the articles below.

A Lesson in the Law of Unintended Consequences

expat tax

The following is an excerpt from ‘An American Tax Nightmare’, published in the New York Times. No one likes tax cheats. They should be pursued and punished wherever they are hiding. But recent efforts by the United States Congress to capture tax revenues on unreported revenues and assets held in foreign accounts are having disastrous […]

An Astounding 77,000 Banks, 70 Countries Now Reporting Americans To IRS

banks reporting expats fatca

An astounding 77,000 banks and financial institutions—even some in Russia—have registered under FATCA—the Foreign Account Tax ComplianceAct. America’s global tax law requires foreign banks to reveal American accounts holding over $50,000. Non-compliant institutions could be frozen out of U.S. markets, so everyone is complying. The fact that 77,000 banks have registered and some 70 countries […]

US Expats Getting It Right – FATCA and FBAR Explained

expat explaining fatca and fbar

Recently the FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) and FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) filing requirements have generated quite a bit of controversy, as they pertain to the recent IRS crackdown on financial assets in overseas accounts. FATCA in particular has caused some uproar since going into effect in March 2010, as foreign financial institutions […]

Why for Many US Expats FATCA is the Last Straw

FATCA is the last straw

Suddenly, some expats are waking up in a cold sweat. They have always had to file tax returns and disclose foreign accounts on a form called the FBAR, although in practice many didn’t. But now Fatca means they have to be more rigorous or face huge fines, in the knowledge that the US authorities could […]