IRS Streamlined Procedure

Good News At Last

The Streamlined Procedure is an IRS amnesty program that allows expats who are non-willfully behind with their US tax filing to catch up without facing any penalties. Don’t delay though, as the program may not be available indefinitely.

The Streamlined Procedure Is An Excellent Opportunity

Under the Streamlined Procedure rules, expats must file the last three years of federal tax returns, and the last six Foreign Bank Account Reports (as applicable). Find out more here.

Can the IRS Revoke US Expats’ Passports for Unpaid Taxes?

expat passport revoke irs

It may leave many US citizens living overseas scratching their heads, but US expats are required to file an annual federal US tax return, reporting their worldwide income, despite living abroad, if they earn over $10,000 a year, or just $400 of self-employment income. When they file, expats can claim one or more exclusions such […]

Filing IRS Back Taxes for US Expat Americans

expat filing irs back taxes

American expats are still required to file a US federal tax return to the IRS. As expats also have to comply with the tax rules in the country where they live, it’s counterintuitive but nonetheless important that they file US taxes too.   Taxing US citizens abroad, or Citizenship (rather than Residence) Based Taxation, dates […]

Voluntary Disclosure – What US Expats Need to Know

voluntary disclosure for expats

There are around 9 million Americans living oversees, and the IRS has its sights set on those expats who aren’t up to date with their US tax filing. All American citizens and green card holders are required to file a US tax return, however because the US is the only developed nation to tax its […]