IRS Streamlined Procedure

Good News At Last

The Streamlined Procedure is an IRS amnesty program that allows expats who are non-willfully behind with their US tax filing to catch up without facing any penalties. Don’t delay though, as the program may not be available indefinitely.

The Streamlined Procedure Is An Excellent Opportunity

Under the Streamlined Procedure rules, expats must file the last three years of federal tax returns, and the last six Foreign Bank Account Reports (as applicable). Find out more here.

Will the IRS Streamlined Procedure for US Expats be Revoked?

streamlined procedure revoked

For decades, US expats lived in peace, beyond the reach of the American tax system, despite being theoretically obligated to file US taxes on their worldwide income from abroad by American’s citizenship based taxation regime. Then came FATCA, the 2010 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. Designed to address tax evasion in the wake of the […]

What To Do If You’ve Never Filed US Taxes

expat never filed taxes

All Americans who earn over $10,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income) have to file a US tax return every year, wherever in the world they live or earn. Many Americans living abroad aren’t aware of this though, so they aren’t up to date with their tax filing. Thankfully, for American expats who haven’t filed […]

IRS Amnesty Tax Programs for Expats: How You Can Get Caught Up

IRS Amnesty Tax Programs for Expats_ How You Can Get Caught Up - Hero

US expats need to file US taxes no matter where they live. Moreover, the IRS plans to spend a large part of its $80 billion budget increase on enforcement, meaning fewer taxpayers will slip through the cracks, and increased frustration for expat taxpayers is likely on the horizon. Fortunately, there may be an IRS amnesty program […]