IRS Streamlined Procedure

Good News At Last

The Streamlined Procedure is an IRS amnesty program that allows expats who are non-willfully behind with their US tax filing to catch up without facing any penalties. Don’t delay though, as the program may not be available indefinitely.

The Streamlined Procedure Is An Excellent Opportunity

Under the Streamlined Procedure rules, expats must file the last three years of federal tax returns, and the last six Foreign Bank Account Reports (as applicable). Find out more here.

IRS Tax Amnesty Programs for Americans Living Abroad

IRS Tax Amnesty Programs for Americans Living Abroad

Many Americans living abroad assume that, because they don’t reside in the US, they don’t have to file US taxes. US law though requires all Americans to file US taxes, regardless of where they reside, and reporting their total global income. They also often have to report any foreign registered businesses, bank accounts, and investments […]

I’m an expat and I’ve never filed taxes, what should I do?

expat never filed taxes

All Americans (including green card holders) are required to file a federal tax return each year, reporting their worldwide income, irrespective of where in the world they live. This requirement is almost unique to America (most countries tax based on whether you live or have income or assets in the country), and as it’s perhaps […]