US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

US Expat Tax 2021 Law Changes News Update

US Expat Tax 2021 Law Change News Update

2021 is set to be another year of change in US taxes, with the Coronavirus pandemic still affecting both government and citizens, and the new administration planning significant law changes. The IRS is investing in a year-long revamp of its IT systems, including Medicare and FATCA (more about FATCA later), as well. In this article, we […]

Webinar, April 7 – Taxes and Investing as a U.S. Expat in 2021, in Partnership with Dunhill Financial

Taxes and Investing as a US Expat in 2021 Webinar

Bright!Tax Partner Katelynn Minott will be joining Brian Dunhill, founder of Dunhill Financial, to provide advice for U.S. expats filing, investing, and retirement planning in 2021. The agenda will include guidance for filling taxes from abroad this year, investment considerations, IRAs, pensions and more. Brian Dunhill is a Financial Planner with a core emphasis on […]

Dual Citizen Needing US Tax Help? Here’s a Guide

Dual Citizen Needing US Tax Help Guide

Dual citizens, or dual nationals, are citizens of two different countries. Dual citizenship was prohibited in most countries in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, however the United States has allowed Americans to be dual citizens since 1967. Dual nationality is most often acquired either through parentage, or through naturalization (obtaining a second citizenship through […]

Filing American Taxes While Living Abroad

Filing American Taxes While Living Abroad

The two most common reasons why Americans move abroad are for a career opportunity, or for romance. Moving abroad doesn’t mean stopping filing US taxes though, as the American tax system requires all Americans citizens and Green Card holders to report their worldwide income every year, whether they live in the States or overseas. Historically, […]

US Tax Guide for Americans Gifting to a Foreign Spouse

US Tax Guide for Americans Gifting to a Foreign Spouse

A gift to a foreign spouse (a Nonresident Alien or NRA spouse in IRS speak), can be an effective strategy for Americans living abroad to reduce their US tax bill. Americans living abroad married to a foreign spouse are required to file US taxes on their global income every year. This is true of all […]