Retirement Abroad

Americans Love Retiring Abroad

Retiring abroad has never been more popular, thanks to the perceived benefits of a better climate and quality of life, not to mention a healthy sense of late life adventure.

Retirement Abroad Tax Information

One possible downside to retirement abroad is that all Americans have to file a US taxes every year, even expats, meaning that tax planning is an essential part of overall planning for retiring overseas.

Retire Abroad US Tax Guide

Retire Abroad US Tax Guide

Over a million Americans have retired abroad, and millions more aspire to. The most common benefits include a better climate, affordable healthcare, and a better standard of living on retirement income. The most popular destination for Americans retiring abroad is Mexico, due to the twin appeals of its proximity and affordability. Many folks move there […]

Best Countries for Expats to Retire Overseas in 2021

Best Countries for Expats to Retire Overseas in 2021

Retirement abroad is more popular than ever, as the world has become more connected online, making managing finances and keeping in touch with family and friends from abroad easier. The desire to travel meanwhile has been amplified by the pandemic. The top considerations when considering where to retire overseas are cost of living, healthcare, quality […]

US Taxation of Foreign Retirement Accounts for Expats

US Taxation of Foreign Retirement Accounts for Expats

Nine million Americans live abroad, and expats employed by foreign firms in particular, often have foreign retirement accounts. Because the US tax system is based on citizenship, all US citizens, including expats, have to file a tax return to the IRS every year, reporting their worldwide income and assets. Foreign retirement plans often have tax benefits […]

Retire in Japan: Visas, Healthcare, Taxes, & More

Retiring in Japan as a foreigner is actually quite a common occurence for Americans. Pictured: two older expats sitting in on a bench in the fall.

Japan has long been hailed as a great vacation destination due to its natural beauty, rich culture, and delicious cuisine — but it’s also surprisingly common for Americans to retire in Japan.  And with Japan’s great healthcare system, low crime rates, and lower cost of living, it’s not hard to see why. Below, we’ll delve into […]

Superannuation for Americans in Australia – A US Tax Guide for Expats

Superannuation for Americans expats in Australia

All Americans, including expats, are required to file US taxes, reporting their worldwide income. Expats may also have to report their foreign business interests, assets, and bank and investment accounts, including most foreign pension accounts. To avoid double taxation, rather than relying on the international tax treaties the US has signed, expats must claim one […]

Top Tax Strategies for Americans Who Would Like to Retire Abroad

Expats want to retire abroad

With Winter, thoughts perhaps turn more often to the idea of retirement in a sunnier climate. There are lots of other good reasons for Americans to retire abroad too, such as a better quality of life, more affordable healthcare, and the opportunity to explore another culture. One important consideration for Americans who would like to […]

International Inheritance Tax Considerations for US Expats

expat paying international inheritance tax

Expats are required to file US taxes wherever in the world they live, reporting their worldwide income.   While the tax treaties that the US has with around 100 other countries don’t mitigate this requirement, when expats file they are able to claim a number of exemptions such as the Foreign Tax Credit and the […]